Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Mum and Dad left me here in Edinburgh to return home to Oz on Friday morning. Now I know how our old dog, Pepe, felt when we accidentally left him at the petrol station and drove off when I was a kid. Only realised he was gone when Mum tried to keep me entertained playing I-spy.... I spy with my little eye something beginning with P... Um Pepe? Um... Pepe? Where the hell is the dog?
Kidding. Trying to make light of the situation. God I will miss them terribly. Just felt so blue-roo all Friday. I've so enjoyed and easily slotted in to having them about me. But trying to be philosophical that time isx flying by, and if nothing else it's a good excuse to get on with this damned PhD and see them again!
Thank God for good friends, I say. Called my (thankfully currently not working)friend, Jim, and snivvelled on his shoulder for an hour. Not a productive day at work, Friday, let me tell you. As soon as the whistle blew, I met up with my excellent pals, Sue, Mo and Ben in the Peartree beer garden to have a good blether and sent well on my way to plastered before meeting up with Nick at the Pleasance for some light relief in the form of comedy. Haven't heard from Nick since. Long and the short of it is that it doesn't seem to be a happening thing. Won't go into relationship details. They are so boring when you're not in it... or into it as my case seems to be.
Whilst waiting for Nick to arrive, I got chatted up by an American comedian, Andrew Lederer, a cheeky chappy with mischievous eyes. I think he was just after my lovely new green sweater I bought with Mum in Skye. He then and there gave me four free tickets to his show... so in return I say... if you are in Edinburgh go see it! It's called Bridge-Burner and he is a delightfully engaging character.
But any way, that's right folks... It's crazy crazy Fringe August again. The population of Edinburgh has trebled and the performers span from all talents between genius and plonker... and yet seem to charge the same ticket price.
Last Sunday, I spent the whole day at the Traverse theatre... Of all the sunniest days in Edinburgh we've had for weeks... I had to spend it mostly in a basement theatre. Although the shows were worth it... 2 4 1 tickets... who can resist? The first was a matinee of 'Shimmer' . A delightful play, well cast and with a brilliant set of constantly flowing water against a pane of glass. It was about three generations of women from a family travelling to the Island of Iona in search of a cure for the youngest lass. There were some real heartstring pulling moments, let me tell you. After a picnic in the Meadows, consisting of fizzy wine and nibbly bits, Sue and I returned with Ben to see 'When the Bulbul Stopped Singing' an amazingly powerful one man Palestinian play.
I'm also booked in for Mobile Thriller which I'm very excited about. Not surprisingly, it's sold out... I will be one of an audience of three... you sit in the back of a car as it drives around Edinburgh! Also seeing One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest with Christian Slater playing McMurphy... cool. That is, if he gets over his chicken pox and the director gets replaced?!
It's shitty summer weather here though; pretty much rain forecast each and every day. Good theatre going weather this! At least it's not too cold. But the haar is well set in and there ain't much to see. Supposed to be going mountainbiking tonight, but I can't see out my office window, so not looking good...
More rmablings to come...
Kidding. Trying to make light of the situation. God I will miss them terribly. Just felt so blue-roo all Friday. I've so enjoyed and easily slotted in to having them about me. But trying to be philosophical that time isx flying by, and if nothing else it's a good excuse to get on with this damned PhD and see them again!
Thank God for good friends, I say. Called my (thankfully currently not working)friend, Jim, and snivvelled on his shoulder for an hour. Not a productive day at work, Friday, let me tell you. As soon as the whistle blew, I met up with my excellent pals, Sue, Mo and Ben in the Peartree beer garden to have a good blether and sent well on my way to plastered before meeting up with Nick at the Pleasance for some light relief in the form of comedy. Haven't heard from Nick since. Long and the short of it is that it doesn't seem to be a happening thing. Won't go into relationship details. They are so boring when you're not in it... or into it as my case seems to be.
Whilst waiting for Nick to arrive, I got chatted up by an American comedian, Andrew Lederer, a cheeky chappy with mischievous eyes. I think he was just after my lovely new green sweater I bought with Mum in Skye. He then and there gave me four free tickets to his show... so in return I say... if you are in Edinburgh go see it! It's called Bridge-Burner and he is a delightfully engaging character.
But any way, that's right folks... It's crazy crazy Fringe August again. The population of Edinburgh has trebled and the performers span from all talents between genius and plonker... and yet seem to charge the same ticket price.
Last Sunday, I spent the whole day at the Traverse theatre... Of all the sunniest days in Edinburgh we've had for weeks... I had to spend it mostly in a basement theatre. Although the shows were worth it... 2 4 1 tickets... who can resist? The first was a matinee of 'Shimmer' . A delightful play, well cast and with a brilliant set of constantly flowing water against a pane of glass. It was about three generations of women from a family travelling to the Island of Iona in search of a cure for the youngest lass. There were some real heartstring pulling moments, let me tell you. After a picnic in the Meadows, consisting of fizzy wine and nibbly bits, Sue and I returned with Ben to see 'When the Bulbul Stopped Singing' an amazingly powerful one man Palestinian play.
I'm also booked in for Mobile Thriller which I'm very excited about. Not surprisingly, it's sold out... I will be one of an audience of three... you sit in the back of a car as it drives around Edinburgh! Also seeing One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest with Christian Slater playing McMurphy... cool. That is, if he gets over his chicken pox and the director gets replaced?!
It's shitty summer weather here though; pretty much rain forecast each and every day. Good theatre going weather this! At least it's not too cold. But the haar is well set in and there ain't much to see. Supposed to be going mountainbiking tonight, but I can't see out my office window, so not looking good...
More rmablings to come...