Tuesday, November 30, 2004
I can't believe I have flown to Berlin and back again and now sitting at my desk wondering how to articulate what a vibrant and fascinating city it is (and what a bloody fantastic time I had!)
So in the naff words of Julie Andrews 'Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start'...
Scott and I arrived in Berlin (via Schiphol in the afternoon which gave us time to check in to our five star hotel and our executive room to chill out before exploring what the city had to offer. Arriving in the evening, we were immediately struck by the lights and activity of the German Christmas markets. Easy to potter around these for days let alone an evening! We took it pretty easy that night; mainly drank champagne in the executive lounge and planned our weekend out. Ah.. wonder how the other half live...
I had a nice start to the day being woken with a Lavazza coffee freshly brewed in our room and then strolling through the Tiergarten park. We made a b-line for the Reichstag to try and beat the bus loads of tourists. We didn't really succeed. However, no matter. Worth the wait and security check to get in. Quite different to my memory as a 9 year old girl. The facade has been maintained, but the interior is now very modern and topped by a huge glass/mirrored dome. Quite an architectural marvel which provided wonderful 360 degree views across Berlin. From here we spent some time admiring the Brandenburg Gate.
After lunch we wandered through the Kreuzberg area and visited the Jewish Museum. This was a fascinating insight to the history of Jews in Germany and an architectural marvel. Daniel Libeskind, the architect, managed to convey in his building the concepts of an uncertain future, imbalance of exile, and the last rays of hope around the time of the holocaust. I thought of you, Sly, when I visited this place (well Berlin as a whole actually - Berlin is an architect's delight, no doubt about it. If you haven't been, you MUST). We had a two hour guided tour around the museum by Gus (sorry about the clueless non-tipping Aussie/British/Canadian folk) which was well worth the information, but found ourselves pretty knackered by the end. Better get a pick me up back at the hotel and get more champagne! We wandered back passed Checkpoint charlie (where East was separated from the West) along the now bizarrely trendy shop lined street ofFriedrichstrasse.
We had planned to go clubbing, but.. it may not surprise you to hear that these two foot weary tourists sipped (one might say too much) champagne and never managed to make it out again.
A little lie in to wear off the effects of the champagne before a glorious stroll along the Spree and canal exploring the markets along the way passed the Berlin Dome to the impressive Pergamon Museum. Fantastic sculptures. Finished the day with a view from the highest lookout point in Berlin, the Fernsehturm tv tower. Hmmm.. what should we do now? ... more champagne in the hotel executive lounge! This time we were determined not to let the champagne marr our attempts to get dressed up and get funky with Berlin's nightlife. We made it out! But.. the Christmas markets had closed and the jazz club had no music playing at all.. but we had a fab night just the same ;)
Well, dear folk, I have waffled long enough. Suffice to say I was spoiled rotten by Scott and had an amazing three nights away. Just wish it was longer. You'll forgive me for skipping some other fab moments, but they're just going to have to stay in my memory banks and not on this site!
I can't believe I have flown to Berlin and back again and now sitting at my desk wondering how to articulate what a vibrant and fascinating city it is (and what a bloody fantastic time I had!)
So in the naff words of Julie Andrews 'Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start'...
Scott and I arrived in Berlin (via Schiphol in the afternoon which gave us time to check in to our five star hotel and our executive room to chill out before exploring what the city had to offer. Arriving in the evening, we were immediately struck by the lights and activity of the German Christmas markets. Easy to potter around these for days let alone an evening! We took it pretty easy that night; mainly drank champagne in the executive lounge and planned our weekend out. Ah.. wonder how the other half live...
I had a nice start to the day being woken with a Lavazza coffee freshly brewed in our room and then strolling through the Tiergarten park. We made a b-line for the Reichstag to try and beat the bus loads of tourists. We didn't really succeed. However, no matter. Worth the wait and security check to get in. Quite different to my memory as a 9 year old girl. The facade has been maintained, but the interior is now very modern and topped by a huge glass/mirrored dome. Quite an architectural marvel which provided wonderful 360 degree views across Berlin. From here we spent some time admiring the Brandenburg Gate.
After lunch we wandered through the Kreuzberg area and visited the Jewish Museum. This was a fascinating insight to the history of Jews in Germany and an architectural marvel. Daniel Libeskind, the architect, managed to convey in his building the concepts of an uncertain future, imbalance of exile, and the last rays of hope around the time of the holocaust. I thought of you, Sly, when I visited this place (well Berlin as a whole actually - Berlin is an architect's delight, no doubt about it. If you haven't been, you MUST). We had a two hour guided tour around the museum by Gus (sorry about the clueless non-tipping Aussie/British/Canadian folk) which was well worth the information, but found ourselves pretty knackered by the end. Better get a pick me up back at the hotel and get more champagne! We wandered back passed Checkpoint charlie (where East was separated from the West) along the now bizarrely trendy shop lined street ofFriedrichstrasse.
We had planned to go clubbing, but.. it may not surprise you to hear that these two foot weary tourists sipped (one might say too much) champagne and never managed to make it out again.
A little lie in to wear off the effects of the champagne before a glorious stroll along the Spree and canal exploring the markets along the way passed the Berlin Dome to the impressive Pergamon Museum. Fantastic sculptures. Finished the day with a view from the highest lookout point in Berlin, the Fernsehturm tv tower. Hmmm.. what should we do now? ... more champagne in the hotel executive lounge! This time we were determined not to let the champagne marr our attempts to get dressed up and get funky with Berlin's nightlife. We made it out! But.. the Christmas markets had closed and the jazz club had no music playing at all.. but we had a fab night just the same ;)
Well, dear folk, I have waffled long enough. Suffice to say I was spoiled rotten by Scott and had an amazing three nights away. Just wish it was longer. You'll forgive me for skipping some other fab moments, but they're just going to have to stay in my memory banks and not on this site!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Call me Kelly the Recluse
Drastic writer's block calls for drastic measures! So escorted by 15 other friends, I was dumped off on the far North West Coast of Scotland in a wooden chalet with only a phone box up the road and certainly no internet access!
My little lap top and I sat together for many an hour knocking out a total of 80 pages towards my PhD thesis. Pity it's all bollocks...
Anyway, what a relief to have something down and the thoughts churning about in my brain. It's given me a taste for it, and good golly I think I even enjoyed the remoteness and solitude. And look at some of these views I was day-dreaming out to each and every day.
As a little 'treat' for my self I would either head out for a walk around the hills of Assynt or jog the nine mile loop taking in views of the Summer Isles, Stac Polaidh, local lochs and lovely beaches. It was a run that had everything (including a 3 mile ascent... ugh my weary knees) but what a descent back into the village!
So a week's solitude has been productive and therapeutic for my mind. I surprised myself how I enjoyed the quiet time to myself and got some work done. However, when the snow came on Friday and I was told I probably wouldn't get back home until Monday... I freaked out. Cabin fever took hold and I was going home by hook or by crook! My friend, Dave, who owns the chalets took me to the local ceilidh Friday night, and I made a bee line for the local bus driver to ensure he would pick me up at 8am from Althandu! And that he did... It was the most beautiful drive with a stunning sunrise to find clear skies and snow capped Stac Pollaidh and other mountains around Assynt.
In contrast, I'm being whisked away to funky Berlin for the weekend, as organised by Scott. Great Scott! Sure looks a swanky hotel! Really looking forward to it. The last time I was in Berlin, the wall was still up!!
Achtung baby!
Drastic writer's block calls for drastic measures! So escorted by 15 other friends, I was dumped off on the far North West Coast of Scotland in a wooden chalet with only a phone box up the road and certainly no internet access!
My little lap top and I sat together for many an hour knocking out a total of 80 pages towards my PhD thesis. Pity it's all bollocks...
Anyway, what a relief to have something down and the thoughts churning about in my brain. It's given me a taste for it, and good golly I think I even enjoyed the remoteness and solitude. And look at some of these views I was day-dreaming out to each and every day.
As a little 'treat' for my self I would either head out for a walk around the hills of Assynt or jog the nine mile loop taking in views of the Summer Isles, Stac Polaidh, local lochs and lovely beaches. It was a run that had everything (including a 3 mile ascent... ugh my weary knees) but what a descent back into the village!
So a week's solitude has been productive and therapeutic for my mind. I surprised myself how I enjoyed the quiet time to myself and got some work done. However, when the snow came on Friday and I was told I probably wouldn't get back home until Monday... I freaked out. Cabin fever took hold and I was going home by hook or by crook! My friend, Dave, who owns the chalets took me to the local ceilidh Friday night, and I made a bee line for the local bus driver to ensure he would pick me up at 8am from Althandu! And that he did... It was the most beautiful drive with a stunning sunrise to find clear skies and snow capped Stac Pollaidh and other mountains around Assynt.
In contrast, I'm being whisked away to funky Berlin for the weekend, as organised by Scott. Great Scott! Sure looks a swanky hotel! Really looking forward to it. The last time I was in Berlin, the wall was still up!!
Achtung baby!

Monday, November 08, 2004
KEEPING A WEB JOURNAL LESSON #3... Now that you have exposed your entire love life for all and sundry to see and left feeling like a total loser... move swiftly on to total distraction hoping that not toooo many people read the last few posts...
So! How about Port Power winning the Grand Final huh? Yeh right... like you non-Aussies have the faintest of what I'm talking about.
Had a really enjoyable weekend. My friend Todd (our Dads have known each other since they were 12 years old) came up from London for a visit Friday night. We met at the Baillie for chilled drinks and conversation. Met up with Scott and another two friends of mine for dins. It was Guy Fawkes so managed to catch a few fireworks - bit of a fizzer really considering the drizzle. Finished off with more chilled drinks and conversation with the Benster back at home.
Saturday had a farewell run for Kirsten. She's moving on to Sheffield for an SpR (specialist registrar) job.. Oh yeh, and to be with Jim (this is the couple I introduced over a year ago - quite the successful match I would say). Glorious autumnal day along the Water of Leith and Union Canal. Sad to see her go, but a fitting farewell and decision well made by her I'd suggest. Got to give these opportunities a go!
Cathartically, I cleaned the house... AGAIN. The floors were still sticky from the halloween party.. even after two mops!!
Pulled out the glad rags to join my Edinburgh gal pals and our favourite lads for a late lunch in the most expensive restaurant in Edinburgh, The Witchery . Some of the wines are priced in the hundreds of pounds! Of course we went for the cheap-arsed lunch deal for a tenner ;) Although really fancying a burger (you know how it is with these gourmet places) we then cruised on over to Harvey Nicks for cocktails. I had a lemongrass and lime daquari darling...
Yesterday morning I managed, you guessed it... another run. This time I was trotting along with Scott by the canal and up passed the Falkirk Wheel. It was a cracking run. To keep our zen, we followed this up with some serious chilling; listening to tunes and hanging Behind the Wall. We managed to satisfy that call for a burger with fries after all... ahhhh.
So! How about Port Power winning the Grand Final huh? Yeh right... like you non-Aussies have the faintest of what I'm talking about.
Had a really enjoyable weekend. My friend Todd (our Dads have known each other since they were 12 years old) came up from London for a visit Friday night. We met at the Baillie for chilled drinks and conversation. Met up with Scott and another two friends of mine for dins. It was Guy Fawkes so managed to catch a few fireworks - bit of a fizzer really considering the drizzle. Finished off with more chilled drinks and conversation with the Benster back at home.
Saturday had a farewell run for Kirsten. She's moving on to Sheffield for an SpR (specialist registrar) job.. Oh yeh, and to be with Jim (this is the couple I introduced over a year ago - quite the successful match I would say). Glorious autumnal day along the Water of Leith and Union Canal. Sad to see her go, but a fitting farewell and decision well made by her I'd suggest. Got to give these opportunities a go!
Cathartically, I cleaned the house... AGAIN. The floors were still sticky from the halloween party.. even after two mops!!
Pulled out the glad rags to join my Edinburgh gal pals and our favourite lads for a late lunch in the most expensive restaurant in Edinburgh, The Witchery . Some of the wines are priced in the hundreds of pounds! Of course we went for the cheap-arsed lunch deal for a tenner ;) Although really fancying a burger (you know how it is with these gourmet places) we then cruised on over to Harvey Nicks for cocktails. I had a lemongrass and lime daquari darling...
Yesterday morning I managed, you guessed it... another run. This time I was trotting along with Scott by the canal and up passed the Falkirk Wheel. It was a cracking run. To keep our zen, we followed this up with some serious chilling; listening to tunes and hanging Behind the Wall. We managed to satisfy that call for a burger with fries after all... ahhhh.

Friday, November 05, 2004
Keeping a web journal - Lesson #2... now that your boyfriend is aware of your blog (and you are in deep shiite), make sure you post something suitably sincere, apologetic and glowing! So here goes...
Was summonsed for 'a talk' following 'said incident' of inappropriate blogging. Was totally prepared for the big dump. And totally deserved it. I am pleased to report that upon some serious venting and soul searching on both sides (venting more on the Scott side, and soul searching more on the Kelly side) no dumping action was taken.
Consequently, however, I received a big wake up call and thought I better share the awakening with those of you who care to read on.. OK, that's probably mainly just you Scott...
My feelings for this man have rather taken me by surprise. Within a very short period of time, I became extremely drawn to him. I would go so far as to say I had wondered if he might be... 'the one'. But then of course, that just seemed far too illogical for my sensibilities and how I thought things are 'supposed to be'. So I decided to retreat at a rapid rate of knots to take cover behind a well constructed brick wall. The wall provides great shaded protection making it easy to play miss cool as a cucumber. It also acts as a great barrier to emotions and so I can say things that make him seem like a bit of a dick. Once this is accomplished, things are laid out ready for total retreat to fill in the last brick. Enough with the wall analogy? I think so.
The sum total is I am pretty appauling at expressing and acknowledging my feelings(let alone to a man who surprisingly shows interest in them - and has been running since he was 12 years old apparently!). This little relationship blip has made me look in on myself and see what reflected back. I didn't care for it much. I think I'm going to give self awareness a try; see how it fits.
Sorry, Mr. Buchanan. You deserve a lot more than this kind of carry on. So, grab your hard hat as I'm going to give up the brick-laying trade and try a bit of demolition. Of course, Dad will hate this idea, as he didn't send his daughter to private school to go into demolition!
More shennanigans to come. Halloween parties, trips to Prague, photo links etc. etc.
Was summonsed for 'a talk' following 'said incident' of inappropriate blogging. Was totally prepared for the big dump. And totally deserved it. I am pleased to report that upon some serious venting and soul searching on both sides (venting more on the Scott side, and soul searching more on the Kelly side) no dumping action was taken.
Consequently, however, I received a big wake up call and thought I better share the awakening with those of you who care to read on.. OK, that's probably mainly just you Scott...
My feelings for this man have rather taken me by surprise. Within a very short period of time, I became extremely drawn to him. I would go so far as to say I had wondered if he might be... 'the one'. But then of course, that just seemed far too illogical for my sensibilities and how I thought things are 'supposed to be'. So I decided to retreat at a rapid rate of knots to take cover behind a well constructed brick wall. The wall provides great shaded protection making it easy to play miss cool as a cucumber. It also acts as a great barrier to emotions and so I can say things that make him seem like a bit of a dick. Once this is accomplished, things are laid out ready for total retreat to fill in the last brick. Enough with the wall analogy? I think so.
The sum total is I am pretty appauling at expressing and acknowledging my feelings(let alone to a man who surprisingly shows interest in them - and has been running since he was 12 years old apparently!). This little relationship blip has made me look in on myself and see what reflected back. I didn't care for it much. I think I'm going to give self awareness a try; see how it fits.
Sorry, Mr. Buchanan. You deserve a lot more than this kind of carry on. So, grab your hard hat as I'm going to give up the brick-laying trade and try a bit of demolition. Of course, Dad will hate this idea, as he didn't send his daughter to private school to go into demolition!
More shennanigans to come. Halloween parties, trips to Prague, photo links etc. etc.

Thursday, November 04, 2004
Lesson 1 in keeping a web journal: Don't accidentally send the link to your boyfriend after just writing sensitive things involving him!
I'm such a divvy...
I'm such a divvy...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004
It's time. Boy have I been slack on this thing. I'm surprised you few still bother to check at this site! Thanks for doing so. I love seeing your comments, Sly (and Ads). And so thought provoking too! I feel privelaged that you choose to take this seriously and spend ANY time on it what so ever.
So, I owe you an update... hmmm... Last real news was post Loch Ness marathon. Oh brother... I DO have some catching up to do.
Let's see now.. On the domestic front.. Flatting with the Benster is just brilliant. Initially, I was worried about leaving my homely wee flat in Chessels Court, my kind neighbours, my garden, my own space and possible loss of privacy (actually, yeh, that's pretty much gone ;) And OK, yeh, I do have to do more cleaning. BUT I get most of my meals cooked for me and alcohol laid on. Hmmm, yes, well, a half a bottle of wine most nights does go down rather easily. I'm saving money hand over fist and really enjoying the banter and good company.
I'm still seeing Scott. A lack of sporty things in common had become somewhat apparent, but he's suddenly taken a keen interest in running, so that's cool. We have enjoyed some music and art together. Chatting is NO problem, and I always find that a bonus. He's good fun and genuinely kind and thoughtful. And I'll not beat about the bush to just say he knows how to work it and I'm digging that! However, he's full on into the love stuff and chats about future and where it's all going. Is it just me? Or is that a MAJOR turn off early on in the piece. I like a bit of mystery and excitement, but when it's all out there on a platter, I seem to get turned off, the more on the platter, the less I want to eat... sorry about that analogy, Mum! Any way, we had a good couple of chats recently and I've told him to take a chill pill, so let's see how it pans out in the next few weeks.
Ah gees, was going to go on a rant, but Ben's just locked himself out of the flat. I have to go home and rescue him from the cold darkness of the streets...
So, I owe you an update... hmmm... Last real news was post Loch Ness marathon. Oh brother... I DO have some catching up to do.
Let's see now.. On the domestic front.. Flatting with the Benster is just brilliant. Initially, I was worried about leaving my homely wee flat in Chessels Court, my kind neighbours, my garden, my own space and possible loss of privacy (actually, yeh, that's pretty much gone ;) And OK, yeh, I do have to do more cleaning. BUT I get most of my meals cooked for me and alcohol laid on. Hmmm, yes, well, a half a bottle of wine most nights does go down rather easily. I'm saving money hand over fist and really enjoying the banter and good company.
I'm still seeing Scott. A lack of sporty things in common had become somewhat apparent, but he's suddenly taken a keen interest in running, so that's cool. We have enjoyed some music and art together. Chatting is NO problem, and I always find that a bonus. He's good fun and genuinely kind and thoughtful. And I'll not beat about the bush to just say he knows how to work it and I'm digging that! However, he's full on into the love stuff and chats about future and where it's all going. Is it just me? Or is that a MAJOR turn off early on in the piece. I like a bit of mystery and excitement, but when it's all out there on a platter, I seem to get turned off, the more on the platter, the less I want to eat... sorry about that analogy, Mum! Any way, we had a good couple of chats recently and I've told him to take a chill pill, so let's see how it pans out in the next few weeks.
Ah gees, was going to go on a rant, but Ben's just locked himself out of the flat. I have to go home and rescue him from the cold darkness of the streets...