Monday, September 19, 2005
Greetings from inside the weird world of my rapidly shrinking PhD mind. Finally took a peek out last weekend. I liked it... a little too much. All work and no play makes Kelly a very scary socialite! Would someone please define 'life-balance' to me and tatoo it on my hand so I don't forget?
Anyhoo, it was nice to blow off a bit of steam and forget about the study and creation of my own medically unexplained symptoms.
But it's all go again this week. I have a big meeting with my two Profs, the statistician and the health economist tomorrow. I'm seriously going to be out cleverered. Following that I have to complete as much of my results chapter for my supervisors by Thursday before Ben and I take off to Athens for two weeks.
Have a squizz at the fancy hotel I splurged out on for our first night there... Bugger sightseeing, I think we'll spend all our time on the rooftop!
So once again, a long drawn out pause on the blog... but this time I won't be slogging, I'll be relieving my recent stress by drinking ouzo and illegally smashing plates as I dance!
Anyhoo, it was nice to blow off a bit of steam and forget about the study and creation of my own medically unexplained symptoms.
But it's all go again this week. I have a big meeting with my two Profs, the statistician and the health economist tomorrow. I'm seriously going to be out cleverered. Following that I have to complete as much of my results chapter for my supervisors by Thursday before Ben and I take off to Athens for two weeks.
Have a squizz at the fancy hotel I splurged out on for our first night there... Bugger sightseeing, I think we'll spend all our time on the rooftop!
So once again, a long drawn out pause on the blog... but this time I won't be slogging, I'll be relieving my recent stress by drinking ouzo and illegally smashing plates as I dance!

Thursday, September 01, 2005
I don't mean to be a grumpy recluse, but every body has finally left the flat leaving just Ben and I again to get on with our own special brand of 'normality'. What a load off! I can't tell you how nice it is to have the head space let alone another two rooms back for general use. Well, to get my study back is a major bonus considering I am now into 'must work late mode'. Egads.. it's the first of September (a pinch and a punch for the first day of the month - no returns!) Ben and I are off to Athens/Northern Mainland Greece on 23rd for 2 weeks. I need to have most of my results analysed and the draft chapter written to send to my supervisors by then. Time's now speeding by all too quickly. Although I want it all to be over, so I can bugger off on holiday in January, I also don't want the time to slip between my fingers like sand through the hour glass (so are the days of my life). Stress! I know it seems like a few months, and what's the big deal, but this PhD is an anchor. Not only is it time consuming, but it's testing my patience and my intelligence. Both are getting a major work out. I sure hope they are up to it. The yoyo of confidence and motivation continues to bounce up and down, with the occasion trick thrown in there.